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Seven processes of EBMA (brief summary):



1.     Define presenting problem


What is the problem behaviour – what is the issue for this client and/or this system?


2.     Whole system analysis


Complete a systems formulation and analysis – who is in the system, what are the roles of each part of the system, whose problem is it – how do each part of the system view the problem , how does the problem  impact on each part of the system and why?


3.     Functional analysis – assess the behaviour


Assess the behaviour – complete ABC charts, observational methods, feedback from client and members of the system, client to complete recording charts/monitor behaviour.  Analyse the function of the behaviour. What is triggering, maintaining, reinforcing the behaviour.


4.     Collaborative formulation


Develop a collaborative formulation to understand the behaviour with the client, reflecting on all the information from the work above. 


5.     Development and implementation of behavioural agreements


Develop the behavioural agreement(s) with the client based on the information gain above, using the empowerment approach to enable the client to explain the problem, why they want to overcome it and how they want the system to support them to do so.


6.     Training for the system


Provide training for the system to understand the EBMA approach, to understand how it is implemented, and provide ongoing support /consultation/supervision/training (as required) to support the system, particularly those most closely supporting the client day to day, to help implement the agreements.


7.     On-going monitoring and review.


Provide ongoing monitoring, review, collecting feedback from the system and the client on the implementation of the behavioural agreements.


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